Originally organized in the United States in 1912, Sea Scouts was created to serve as an extension of traditional Boy Scout training. Young men would develop personal character--pluck, patriotism, and intelligent discipline, all through a sense of duty. By teaching boat management seamanship, youngmen would also gain individual knowledge to help them become self-supporting. Sea Scouts performing Coast Guard duties, lifesaving, and salvage at wrecks would also perform invaluable community serivce to their communities. Sea Scouts combines valuable leadership training and personal development so our young men can be successful in life.
Training with Sea Scout Ship Terrapin takes on many forms. Whether we are doing invaluable general maintenence on our 95 foot training vessel, cruising the San Francisco Bay and Delta, or participating in one of the many regional events, we are always learning. Our scouts will learn some of life's most valuable skills, time management, personal accountability, leading a team, taking direction from peers, and all sorts of fun maritime skills.
Today, Sea Scouting continues in the same traditions established over 100 years ago by Lord Bayden-Powell. Sea Scouting offers a unique opportunity for young men and women in high school to learn all aspects of nautical life while developing invaluable lifelong skills, making new friends, and having a great time!
Join us today! We are always happy to see new faces. No experience necessary!